A mocktail doesn’t have to be a flat soft drink with a wedge of lemon on the side. With the right creative mind – and ingredients – it can rival even the tastiest cocktail.

The crew at The Royal Leichhardt have taken the time to devise just such a tasty concoction for their non-drinking patrons. “We wanted to create a drool-worthy, non-boozy drink that all our friends could enjoy,” says bartender Tanguy Chiron.

Titled the Apple of my Eye, the result contrasts the sharp, fresh fizz of Appletiser against the sweetness of fresh grapes, and the slight acidity of orange juice with the sour tang of cranberry.

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Apple of my Eye
Makes 1 serve.

Appletiser Sparkling apple juice
Orange juice
Cranberry juice

Throw the grapes into a cocktail shaker and muddle with vigour. Pour over the OJ and cranberry juice and add your mint. Fill to the brim with ice and shake for a while. Double strain the mixture into a Hurricane glass and add your desired amount of ice. Then top with sparkling Appletiser and garnish with fresh grapes and mint.

This article is produced by Broadsheet in partnership with Coca-Cola South Pacific Pty Ltd. Visit refreshyourspirit.com.au for your chance to win a weekend getaway or $100 voucher at participating venues. Please drink responsibly.