Nahji Chu is a busy lady. With her original Darlinghurst store and catering expanded to The Opera Kitchen, Exhibition Street in Melbourne and the addition of a creperie, grocery and spud-bar space at the still new Bondi store, there’s no sign of the tuckshop lady slowing down.

Today is the launch of her new CBD tuckshop and it’s hidden away in the least likely of places for the street-food inspired Chu.

Misschu underground is positioned exactly where the name suggests – underground in the basement space of Regent Place.

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iPhone and laptop chargers are a feature of the new tuckshop, along with a license that allows for long lunches and after work drinks, but it’s Chu’s distinctive and easily accessible food that is the real drawcard.
Known for seeing potential where others don’t, the new tuckshop is a creative collaboration between Chu and Misschu design director Kano Hollamby, so you’ll still get that tuckshop feel.

“Misschu started and grew from a street corner no one else wanted,” says Chu. “Continuing our ability to see opportunity where others shy away, we are opening in a basement space. Looking between the cracks and finding something amazing is what sets us apart”.

But that’s not all the Misschu news. She’s also launched her new iPhone app, allowing customers to pre-order their favourite dishes for pick-up, or (if you’re close) delivery, and she has recently added Melbourne catering to her stable.

Now that’s one busy tuckshop lady.

Misschu Underground

Basement, Regent Place, 488 Kent Street, Sydney

(02) 9283 0357


Mon to Sat 11am–9pm