Cult American burger chain In-N-Out is popping up at Wood and Smoke Bar in Darlinghurst today from 11am to 3pm. Other In-N-Out pop ups have sold out within 30 minutes, and usually only around 300 burgers are stocked, so it’s best to get in quick.

At past pop-ups, burger fans have lined up from 4am. Wristbands are usually handed out to prevent the crowds – which have numbered up to 800 – from descending into chaos.

In-N-Out has more than 300 burger restaurants across the United States, primarily on the west coast. The chain is known for using only fresh (not frozen) food, paying its staff fair wages, and never franchising the business – it keeps everything in-house for quality control.

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Unusually for a fast-food chain, it’s found fans in celebrities with stellar taste: Gordon Ramsay, Thomas Keller, Anthony Bourdain and Julia Child have all expressed their love for In-N-Out. It was one of few fast-food restaurants given the nod of approval in investigative journalist Eric Schlosser’s 2001 book Fast Food Nation.

The In-N-Out pop-up runs from 11am to 3pm today at Wood and Smoke bar, 77 Stanley Street, Darlinghurst.