Studd Siblings Cheese Party at Ace Hotel Sydney

Wed 6th December, 2023
47-53 Wentworth Avenue Sydney 2000
Price: Free
The fromage-loving brother-and-sister duo are inviting you to celebrate their book launch with a cheese party at the Ace Hotel – and they’re bringing a 35-kilogram Comté wheel.

If you’ve ever been torn between painting the town red or staying in with a cheeseboard, the Studd siblings – whose dad, Will, is Australia's foremost cheese expert – have crafted the night of your dreams. The cheese columnists and educators are celebrating the launch of their book The Best Things in Life Are Cheese – with a party like no other.

There will be a cheese-themed live drag performance by the commanding Penny Tration and music from local DJ Chela. Of course, this is a party celebrating cheese, so the main event will be the serving of a whopping 35-kilogram wheel of La Couronne Fort Aged Comté, decorated with the siblings' faces. And, behind the faces, it’s not just any cheese. It’s from the French Franche-Comté region near the Swiss border, and it was the cheese that first sparked dad Will Studd’s passion.

Head in to party from 6.30pm and feast upon it – and a selection of other Will Studd cheeses – until it is all gone. You’ll also be able to grab a copy of the book – for yourself or under the tree – and have it signed by the authors.

Tickets to the cheese party are free but must be booked.
