“Murder Your Thirst”: Hyped US Water Brand Liquid Death Lands in Australia

Photo: Courtesy Liquid Death

Gen Z’s fizz of choice has lured everyone from Martha Stewart to Tony Hawk with its killer marketing and sustainability message. Here’s what it is and where to get it.

What do Martha Stewart, Travis Barker and Tony Hawk have in common? The answer is weirdly, irreverently branded sparkling water.

They’re all in bed with Liquid Death, one of America’s fastest growing non-alc drinks brands. And you’re about to see cans of Mango Chainsaw and Severed Lime in a servo fridge near you. The brand has just made its Australian debut and is selling its “ruthless tallboys” exclusively at 7-Eleven outlets across the country.

If you’ve never heard of Liquid Death, that’s because you’re probably too old. The brand has struck a major chord with American zoomers, toppling La Croix as the drink of a generation with its wild celebrity collabs, nihilist messaging and sustainability schtick (Liquid Death's cans can be recycled an infinite number of times). Since launching in 2019, the brand has amassed almost eight million followers on social media.

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And for a generation whose Sbagliato consumption is empirically low, Liquid Death is an appealing alternative: water is sourced from the Austrian alps and infused with “natural electrolytes”. Flavoured varieties are sweetened with agave and have the same carbonation as a garden-variety beer.

Liquid Death has launched in Australia with unflavoured still and sparkling varieties, and the aforementioned Mango Chainsaw and Severed Lime. Cans are 500 mils, and they’re available at 7-Eleven right now.


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