Meredith Dairy’s New Tiny Cheese Jars Are Cute and Convenient

Photo: Courtesy of Meredith Dairy

They’re small enough to slip into your bag for work lunches or to stuff in a Christmas stocking.

Some would say it’s never okay to serve less cheese. But not according to Meredith Dairy, which is launching tiny 100-gram jars of its beloved marinated goat’s cheese.

The new jars will have the signature gold lid but only two cubes of the goat-y goodness. Fans of the dairy’s annual Bucket Bonanza sales (2 kilograms of Meredith Goat’s Cheese for $50) may be outraged, but the dairy’s marketing manager Angus Cameron tells Broadsheet the new jars have their uses.

“If you bring a whole jar of goat cheese into work with you, your colleagues might help themselves to it,” says Cameron. The small jars offer a thief-proof option, although Cameron noted that this wasn’t an issue in his office. “There’s plenty of cheese at work for me.”

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The petite portions are small enough to slip into your bag for work lunches. Or perhaps you have a particularly cultured child, with an advanced palate, who would prefer some curd to a sack of chocolate coins in their Christmas stocking.

Dedicating glass and metal to two pieces of cheese could rightly be considered unnecessary packaging waste, but Cameron hopes people will reuse the jars in creative ways; they might be good for holding spices, candles, preserves or plants, or for transporting salad dressings and sauces.

The baby jars will be available at Woolworths and independent stores for between $5 and $6. You can still buy the goat cheese in its 320-gram and 550-gram jars too, and it is still marinated in the same mixture of herbs, garlic and extra virgin olive oil.

If two cubes doesn’t cut it for you, dates for the previously mentioned Bucket Bonanza will be announced soon.

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