An Uncomplicated Guide to Strong and Healthy Hair (Plus Tips To Nip Hair Fall in the Bud)

Photo: Amy Hemmings

With so many hair products, tips and tricks out there, it’s hard to know what to spend your money (and time) on. In partnership with Kérastase, we speak to the experts about how to achieve luscious locks.

Haircare is the new skincare – at least when it comes to our obsession with it. It’s impossible to scroll through Tiktok or Instagram and not be inundated with advice for managing your mane – for growing it, strengthening it, styling it and more. We’ll happily take the heatless-curling advice along with tips for shortening our morning hair-styling routine, but how much of the information out there for strengthening hair and preventing hair fall actually works?

For Jamie Furlan and Danni Solier, the husband-and-wife duo behind award-winning salon LNDN in Melbourne, quality trumps quantity for strong and healthy hair – welcome news for the haircare rookies among us. Opening in 2022, LNDN has worked with a range of different clients, become industry leaders in their field and continue working to educate their clients on the best tips and tricks for maintaining healthy hair.

“You don’t need to use every product, or try every trend, on the market or Tiktok,” says Furlan. “If you use trusted salon brands recommended by professional stylists, a little goes a long way.”

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By trusted, he means brands you won’t typically find on supermarket shelves (many supermarket products, he explains, contain ingredients that can hinder the absorption of nutrients). It’s the same as using a moisturiser that leaves your skin looking dewy and fresh, but doesn’t actually absorb into the skin’s deeper layers and work its long-term magic.

“Initially you get that satisfaction of ‘Oh, this is working’, but down the track the nutrients aren’t actually penetrating,” he says. “It’s a false sense of assurance.”

The couple are big fans of Kérastase Paris, a brand that’s led the way in professional haircare for almost six decades. Kérastase treats hair like skin, using tried and tested skincare ingredients and methods to address scalp concerns, stimulate growth and foster healthy locks.

“There’s something for everyone,” says Solier. She’s not wrong – Kérastase collections cater to hair that’s blonde, curly, dry, coloured, thinning, damaged and more. In particular, she and Furlan are fans of the newest Genesis collection, especially its Anti-Fall Fortifying Hair Serum for hair that’s prone to falling.

“Hair tells a story, and recently we’ve definitely noticed more hair fall in people, which could be due to increasing stress levels,” says Furlan. “For people experiencing hair fall we recommend products that enhance scalp resistance and re-anchor hair follicles to minimise breakage, and the Genesis serum works wonders.”

Alongside daily serum use, Furlan and Solier recommend frequent brushing to stimulate circulation and carry natural oils from the scalp through the hair; using scalp and hair masks (or night serums) “at least once a week”; and, most importantly, applying heat protection before using hot tools.

“Hair tools get up to 280 degrees Celsius which is very, very hot,” says Furlan. “There’s no way you would actively put something that hot on your skin.”

But before styling your hair, the most important thing to have down pat is your hair-washing routine – particularly if you’re experiencing hair fall. “We recommend doing two baths [shampoos], one to cleanse and the other to treat, followed by fondant [conditioner] or a mask, depending on the severity of the situation,” says Solier.

And, as is the case for skincare, eating well and drinking lots of water goes a long way. “What’s happening internally has a huge impact on the quality of your hair,” she says. “It’s important to have a good, balanced diet including good fats and iron-rich foods.”

Lastly, try embracing your hair’s natural texture. When it comes to things to avoid in pursuit of strong, healthy hair, “overstyling is a big one”.

“Letting your hair dry naturally and flaunting what you’ve got will help hair health in the long run.” But for lovers of the post-wash blow-dry or heat style, the Kérastase Genesis Thermique can help protect hair from heat and breakage, especially for weakened strands prone to splitting.

Watch: How Writer Sabina McKenna’s Daily Hair Rituals Shape Her Art & Identity

There's an intricate relationship between Sabina McKenna and her personal hair journey. Through self-awareness and the rituals of repetition, McKenna is learning how to care for her hair, protect it and love it. In these daily actions that subtly shape her identity, she sees opportunities to engage in discussions about beauty and race, especially with those who may not have previously felt like they were part of the conversation.

This article is produced by Broadsheet in partnership with Kérastase.

Produced by Broadsheet in partnership with Kérastase.

Produced by Broadsheet in partnership with Kérastase.
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