American comedian and actor Nick Offerman, best known for playing “man’s man” Ron Swanson in beloved sitcom Parks and Recreation, is heading to Australia for the first time since 2016.
Offerman is touring his new show All Rise – billed as an evening of “deliberative talking and light dance”. The comedian says the show follows an optimistic theme about humanity’s potential to move beyond consumerism.
Often Sydney and Melbourne are the only cities to get a visit from big touring stars, but because you should “never half-arse two things”, Offerman is going to whole-arse Australia. He’s stopping in Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart and Sydney. Sorry, Northern Territory, no Darwin, but technically you’re the head of Australia, not the arse, if that makes you feel any better.
General ticket sales start Thursday February 7 at 2pm. Tickets here. Pre-sale dates can be found here.
Tour dates:
Sun June 2 – Thebarton Theatre, Torrensville
Wed June 5 – Crown Theatre, Burswood
Sat June 8 – Palais Theatre, St Kilda
Wed June 12 – Canberra Theatre, Canberra
Fri June 14 – Wrest Point Casino, Sandy Bay
Tue June 18 – State Theatre, Sydney
Fri June 21 – Qpac Concert Hall, South Brisbane