Pho in Melbourne

Updated May 15th, 2023


Everyone has their own favourite pho joint in Melbourne, whether it’s located in one of the hot spots of Richmond, Footscray or one of the many outposts dotted around the city. The Vietnamese soup varies wildly from venue to venue, with variables such as stock, noodle consistency and accompaniments influencing every choice – but it all comes down to the slurp.

Looking for something specific?

  • This is the first Melbourne location for one of Hanoi’s most famous pho spots. Its signature is the “stir-fried up” rare beef, with lots of garlic in a steaming bowl of broth. There’s also beef brisket, poached chicken and a red-wine pho.

  • Coconuts on Carlisle Street.

  • The name says it all at this cosy, no-fuss Vietnamese diner. Here, they serve up some of the best pho on a street brimming with options. All the classic elements – tender meat, layered broth and fresh garnishes – keep the fans coming back for more. Their diner in the CBD is also worth your time.

  • A quaint Vietnamese eatery where pho is the hot ticket.

  • Since 2007, Nahji Chu’s hawker-style tuckshops have served fast and down-to-earth Vietnamese. Menu standouts include scallop and prawn dumplings, refreshing rice paper rolls and flavourful curries.

  • Tien Dat opened in 1983 as the first Vietnamese restaurant in Box Hill. It is still owned by the same family.

  • Vegan-friendly Vietnamese. Yes, it exists.

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