When Victoria Bitter announced its new clothing range earlier this month, the internet exploded like a warm tinnie that’s been kicking around the boot of your car for three days.

The simple green, white and red colour palette tapped into nostalgia for a time when a “blueberry Berliner Weisse” beer was unimaginable rather than simply perplexing.

Now Melbourne Bitter has stuck its longneck into the fashion ring. The beer giant has collaborated with Melbourne basics brand Mr Simple, which has combed through 80 years’ worth of Melbourne Bitter imagery to create the designs.

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The range is short and sweet. There are two tees with vintage Melbourne Bitter logos and a matching two-piece cotton shorts and short-sleeve combo. The two-piece looks like the cotton will dry quickly if you happen to spill beer all over yourself trying to shotgun a tin in the mosh pit at Meredith. The range will be stocked exclusively in Mr Simple's Smith Street, Chapel Street and Brunswick Street stores.

People can get wildly tribal when it comes to supporting their favourite beer brand. Broadsheet’s subeditor Jo Robin dates a man called Finn who has no formal beer-sociology qualifications but describes the brands thusly:

“VB is for farmers, footy fans and your uncle from Whittlesea you see about once a year who owns a caravan and probably fought in the Vietnam War.

“Melbourne Bitter is for people who built the West Gate Bridge and hipsters.”

So whether you’re a moustache-twirling construction worker or a shell-shocked shepherd you’ve now got two decent options to express your devotion to your favourite mass-market beer.

The Melbourne Bitter x Mr Simple clothing line will be launched at the Standard on November 15 with product giveaways and live music. RSVP here.