Miḏawarr: Harvest

Sat 6th April, 2019 – Sun 14th July, 2019
10:00am – 5:00pm
Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Melbourne Museum
11 Nicholson Street, Carlton
One of Australia’s most fruitful artistic friendships is being celebrated at the Melbourne Museum.

Mulkuṉ Wirrpanda and John Wolseley are giants in their field, and their friendship has spanned a decade – in 2009, Mulkuṉ adopted Wolsley as her wawa (brother). Every year, the two meet during the harvest season – miḏawarr – to share their obsession with useful (and delicious) plants. Together, they collect, paint and illustrate edible plants.

Miḏawarr: Harvest documents both their relationship and a place – it’s a kind of three-dimensional rendering of north-east Arnhem Land. The show also features a vast panoramic scroll painting (10 metres by 2.1 metres) of a floodplain which complements Wirrpanda’s 60 paintings and memorial poles showcasing intricately detailed Yolŋu plants.

But Miḏawarr: Harvest isn’t merely an exhibition – it’s also an important vehicle for the transmission of real-world knowledge and Indigenous traditions. Wirrpanda is a passionate advocate for educating the younger generation about flora. The show challenges viewers to think about the way we use, connect with, value and understand our environment.

Broadsheet is a proud media partner of Museums Victoria.
