After 77 days of hard lockdown, Melburnians emerged on Friday with cautious optimism and wandered bleary eyed into a brave new post-lockdown, Covid-normal-ish city.

A balmy spring afternoon saw long lines at barbers; nail technicians taking their trade to the footpaths to contend with crowds, and tables decorated with glistening pots of golden ale.

The State Library lawn was a sea of friends lunching in the sun, including Fringe Festival employees Michelle and Elish, who were considering what they’ll be glad to put behind them now lockdown is over.

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For Elish, that’s an end to hair dyeing once and for all – her new salt-and-pepper-coloured locks will remain, while Michelle says “eight hours straight of Netflix” is the lockdown habit she hopes will seriously end.

For 22-year-old Audrey, who sat giggling in the sunshine with her friend Seba, there was just one song to play when she woke up on Friday. “Koffee’s *Lockdown*, of course – it’s the perfect song for today.” Though, she said Tiktok dances have got to go. “No more,” she insisted, hoping to hit a real dancefloor as soon as possible.

On Fitzroy’s Brunswick Street, iconic venues like The Evelyn remained closed to lunch trade, while others bustled with staff preparing for a big night. Cremorne Mexican restaurant South of the Wall ordered 240 litres of lime juice. That’s a lot of Margaritas.

Little Hop local Mikey was glad to see the end of takeaway pub crawls, declaring the short-lived lockdown loophole – that had punters “walk, chat, sip” their way through inner-city streets in early August – to be “fucking horrible”. For Mikey though, people adopting pets they “weren’t ready for” was lockdown’s worst trend.

Not far from the suddenly lower-key picnic vibes of Edinburgh Gardens, I crossed paths with David. Teenage boys on oversized BMXs were a common sight during lockdown, and the 15-year-old – out and about after school with a mate – said SE biking was a hobby he’d be sticking at post lockdown. “I love it!”

As the weather turned and a drizzle set in late afternoon, a rabble of blokes still in their workwear cascaded out of the North Fitzroy Arms and onto the footpath. Cradling a fresh pot of Carlton in his mighty paw, local builder Murph put it simply when I asked what he’d missed the most. “My friends.”