Pigeons cop a lot of flak, most of which they deserve. They crap on everything. Stump legs are not uncommon. When all you want to do is eat your sandwich in peace, their push for crumbs is relentless. At least their bird call is cuter than a seagull’s, but in the wrong environment their presence can work as a beacon to the flying sea rats.
And yet, despite going unrecognised by the Guardian in its Bird of the Year poll, one pigeon in Parkdale deserves to be recognised as a gleaming example of rebellion, creativity, family values and love. All of this in the face of the bureaucratic-behemoth that is Public Transport Victoria doing its best to keep a little bird down.
The saga began sometime around October 2016 when Twitter user Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) posted a photo to twitter. Dubbed the Parkdale Pigeon by a community of Reddit users, the bird started out with nothing more than a meagre pile of twigs on top of a PTV LCD screen at Parkdale Station. A few days later the nest was removed, the sign sterilised and a set of spikes installed to deter future nesting.
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SUBSCRIBE NOWDespite having its nest torn down several times, the actions of PTV did nothing to deter this winged rebel. Over the next few months the Parkdale Pigeon filled in the spikes with leaves and more twigs, creating a regal mound of greenery. It’s a no-brainer this 5-star nest eventually attracted a mate. The couple are now proud parents of chicks – may the brave parents instil in their children the same sense of honour in the face of adversity they have shown to the people of Melbourne.
Below are Michael Bell’s photographs of the Parkdale Pigeon’s inspiring journey. Don’t let the man get you down, follow your dreams etc. Anything is possible with sticks, guano and perseverance.
Nothing to see here at #Parkdale. Not even the resident pigeon... pic.twitter.com/5htd76T96c
— Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) October 6, 2016
Persistent #Parkdale Pidgeon is back. pic.twitter.com/s3nlYhOwT0
— Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) November 3, 2016
Prevention spikes were recently installed at #Parkdale Station - the pigeons are laughing at them. pic.twitter.com/Lq8LOvQ8TR
The persistent #Parkdale pigeon: now with even bigger nest. pic.twitter.com/M2yvp3U19f
— Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) July 26, 2017
#Parkdale pigeon war.
— Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) September 27, 2017
Cleaners win this round. pic.twitter.com/ZZM3nQof3d
The #Parkdale pigeon war continues... with the return of the pigeon. pic.twitter.com/YfT0MEcdgc
— Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) October 8, 2017
#Parkdale pigeon wars, Round 4:
— Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) October 15, 2017
Pigeon the clear winner, with new spikes providing even better nest foundation.https://t.co/MJ18zKlaN7 pic.twitter.com/1qtBkSzdHF
A magpie may have won #birdoftheyear, but #ParkdalePigeon is still my hero. pic.twitter.com/bHL6qHkO41
— Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) December 10, 2017
Breaking my twitter silence, to report that #ParkdalePigeon now has 2 chicks. 🙂 pic.twitter.com/RLDBGDQxzB
— Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) December 18, 2017
#parkdalepigeon chicks 🐥 doing well. pic.twitter.com/s8OOBqf2Gj
— Michael Bell (@Xtrackka) December 26, 2017
Thanks to Michael Bell/@Xtrackka.
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