Genre-defying British group Florence & the Machine and dreamy Grammy Award-winning indie pop outfit Bon Iver will make their Womadelaide debut at next year’s festival. The 2023 event, which takes place at Botanic Park/Tainmuntilla from March 10 to 13, will be the first to welcome back international artists in a major way since Covid.
Florence & the Machine, fronted by the enigmatic Florence Welch, will return to Adelaide for the first time since 2019, when they played to a sold-out audience of more than 14,000 people in Botanic Park.
Bon Iver, led by singer-songwriter Justin Vernon, will perform on the opening night as part of a national tour – their first in Australia in 12 years.
Also on the bill: the showstopping aerial spectacular Place des Anges (Place of Angels) by French company Gratte Ciel, which wowed crowds at the 2018 festival with its ethereal ballet of high-altitude acrobatics (it also raised concerns over the shower of feathers that fell across the city and inner suburbs). The Australian exclusive will be performed nightly above the treetops in Botanic Park.
Womadelaide runs from March 10–13 in Botanic Park/Tainmuntilla. Four-day and three-day early bird tickets and pay-by-instalment plans will open to subscribers from 9am Thursday August 25. Tickets go on sale to the general public from 9am Friday August 26. Subscribe to Womadelaide’s mailing list here.